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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1181 to 1200 of 1282
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1967The journal of Psychology vol.65Edited by Murchison, Powell
1969The journal of Psychology vol.79Edited by Murchison, Powell
1965The journal of social Psychology vol.66-
1966The journal of social Psychology vol.64Edited by Murchison, Powell
1952Indian jurnal of psychology vol.xvii-
2002Indian journal of population education No.19-
2006Indian journal of population education No.32-
1971Indian educational review vol.6 no.1-
1981Indian educational review vol.XVI no.3-
1956Teachers' Quarterly vol-IEdited by Das, Nalini; Edited by Karlekar, Kalyani
1975India 1975-
1977India 1977 & 78-
1970India 1970-
1969India 1969-
1965India 1965-
1961India 1961-
1959India 1959-
1956India 1956-
1976India 1976-
2002India 2002-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1181 to 1200 of 1282